Monday, October 29, 2012

The Goats Brace for Sandy

Two things our goats hate most of all are getting wet and change to their regular routine. This may be a rough week for them.

Along with much of the east coast, we are trying to prepare for Hurricane Sandy, an epic "Superstorm" forecast to unleash a wake of devastating winds, snow, flooding and prolonged power outages. We're stocked up on all the essentials - flashlights, batteries, water, peanut butter and Tastycakes. I did three loads of laundry yesterday so at least we'll have clean clothing if no showers...The cats are inside - but now we have the goats to consider. We could just lock them in their shed (hoping it doesn't blow away!) and brave the storm several times a day to take them fresh hay and scoop up their waste - but the most sensible plan seemed to be moving them into the garage for Sandy's duration.  It's warm, dry and attached to the house; they happily lived there for the first few months we had them. So last night we moved in some portable fencing and gave them a lovely 6 x 12 foot  pen with all their necessities (hay, water, sleeping mats, pee tray). I figured they'd love it as they are always trying to get into the garage to explore...

They HATED it!!

Together they ran frantically around the perimeter, knocking everything over and crying in desperate goat wails of terror - What is this scary prison?? Why are we here?? How can we get out?? Even sitting with them, trying to explain, and singing lullabies had no effect. Finally I left them and went to bed, although since the garage is directly under my bedroom I could still hear their mournful howls well into the night. When I went down this morning they were still distraught, and it looked like a nuclear poop bomb had gone off in the garage. Enough already! Now they are back outside in their shed, fed and bottled, until the worst of Sandy arrives this afternoon. We'll lure them back into the garage and try again...

Best wishes to all of you in Sandy's path. As Tom Hanks said in Apollo 13 (anticipating loss of communication around the back of the moon), "See you on the other side!"

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