Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Party Crashers?

Big day coming up for the goats...but let me start at the beginning.

Last week I was leafing through a clutttered pile of papers from our church mailbox - announcements and such. I ignored the Nursery News and quickly skimmed  over the Junior High Youth events, since my own daughters are now in high school (though my husband still helps out with the middle schoolers).  I did notice that the junior high kids had scheduled a cookout (always fun) complete with outdoor games, a campfire and - what's this? - goat events? What a fun idea! I knew there was a reason I liked this new youth pastor! Excitedly I wondered if they might need another adult chaperon to go along - surely with all my goat knowledge...so I checked the calendar for the location (likely a nearby farm or petting zoo) - but wait! That address looks strangely familiar...could there possibly be another location with the same exact address as ours??

Is it all husbands, or only mine, who would volunteer our house for a picnic with 20 kids, and offer "goat events" - and not even check the date with me first?? Or even think to mention it??

Once I finished screaming at him and rescheduled my plans for that day (next weekend!), I broke the news to the goats. They were ecstatic! Nothing suits goats more than lots and lots of attention (you know how neglected they are most days...), and there's always the chance of stray snacks being dropped on the ground. Really, it should be fun. Any party calls for great food, and some of these middle-schoolers are among my favorite people in the world. I organized the food; now I just need to figure out the "goat events." Maybe we'll just do our own Goat Races in the lower field...

I did have to nix the campfire, though, since the fire pit is in the goat yard. Mike thought we could just roast marshmallows while the goats casually browsed the yard eating weeds, sensibly avoiding the dangerous flames coming from their favorite jumping rocks...ok, what planet is he on? (Well, not Pluto, we know that...)

                                                  To be continued...(after next weekend).

What time are those kids coming to play with me?

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