Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Word for the Wise...

A few days ago my daughter Megan had her wisdom teeth removed - an unpleasant but necessary surgery as all four teeth were impacted and threatening to undo the results of several years (and a small fortune) in braces. Naturally the rest of the family was sympathetic during her recovery, bringing her bowls of Italian ice and putting new discs in the DVD player...but there is always that temptation to make jokes about her "chipmunk cheeks" as the swelling increased and of course her new "lack of wisdom" now that these teeth are gone. It made me think about a few of the unwise decisions I've noticed lately...

Although we are somewhat rural, there is a heavily-travelled road near our home which has been the site of numerous accidents since we've lived here, a treacherous maze of blind curves with absolutely no shoulder. My children have always been forbidden to bike on this road, walking their bikes through a cornfield instead to avoid that dangerous stretch. Last evening, just nearing dusk, I was driving home along this road when suddenly I came around a curve and up behind a bicyclist dressed entirely in camouflage! Really?!! I am driving a two-ton minivan and he doesn't want me to see him? I was tempted to pull over and ask if he'd had any teeth extracted recently...

Even goats can make unwise decisions - and this is a true anecdote about our goat cousin Obi (the orange goat from a few posts ago). Apparently he climbed into the motoboat parked in their driveway and discovered an interesting object - small, sharp, malodorous. Curious, he decided to investigate further by tasting it, and that's how my sister discovered him this morning - miserable and unable to open his mouth with an old rusty fishhook through his lips. (Do goats actually have lips? Well, whatever...)  Not really Obi's fault as I don't believe goats even have wisdom teeth...another visit from the emergency vet for antibiotics and a tetanus booster - next time just leave it alone, Obi!

That's got to be all for now - Emily needs help putting the goats away and I see about three pounds of droppings to scoop up and we still need to mix grain for the week and I just realized I left all the clean towels hanging on the deck (thanks for yanking them down, goats). Anyway, I'm so glad I didn't make any unwise decisions in the last few months!

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