Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goats on the Brain...

Sometimes you don't realize how crazy you really are until something like this happens...

When Emily took her PSAT exams several months ago, she listed my email as her contact address. Since that time we have received dozens (if not hundreds) of messages from colleges all over the country inviting her to check out their excellent academic facilities, blah blah blah...It was quite flattering for her at first until we learned that all her friends were also besieged by similar emails. The subject lines for these messages from Yokeedokie University and such are always very personal - "Emily, we know we are the school for you," or "Emily, we think you are a perfect match for our campus," and lately, "Emily, why haven't you responded to our previous six (or 22) emails?" Every morning I just delete a bunch of them, but the other day one in particular caught my eye. There it was, at the top of my inbox as soon as I opened my email -

"Emily, we want to help you with your goats."

My heart pounding, I finally remembered to breathe and yelled for her to come quickly. (Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!) This is the answer to all my prayers - a college that allows students to bring their cloven-hooved pets! No matter that I have never heard of this particular school or that it is nine states away - I'm sure it offers her major (whatever that turns out to be) and maybe they even have animal-based scholarships, and how did they know? I sit down at the computer to electronically enroll her, and that's when my bifocals show me what my brain could not see - the subject line actually reads, "Emily, we want to help you with your goals."


Innocent mistake. But maybe I've been spending too much time in the yard...

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