Thursday, November 1, 2012

Word of the Day - Altruism

Captivated by news coverage of storm-ravaged New York and New Jersey, I am heartened by the stories of altruism - of neighbors helping neighbors, people sharing food and water with strangers, of those who put the needs of others before themselves even in a desperate situation.

Believe this - if New York City was populated entirely by goats, the Big Apple would be in big trouble! (And I'm not just talking about the sanitation aspect, either.) Goats may be interesting, curious, affectionate and even snuggly at times - but they are definitely not altruistic. From my observation, a goat will never put the needs of another before his own, no way, no how...

Every afternoon, I cut up an apple into bite-size chunks as a treat for Em and Ellie. Creatures of habit, they run to the picnic table and stand on top of it as I feed them individual pieces. Two goats, two hands - so they are both eating at the same time, plenty for everyone...except that between every bite, they fiercely head-butt each other in the sides in an effort to push the other goat off the table. I guess the thought process is something like, "If I shove my brother onto the ground, maybe she'll give me both pieces of apple next time!" Elliot has the weight advantage (56 pounds to Emerson's 42), but Em is quicker and more's a draw who ends up on the grass. Sharing? Why would we do that?

Humans are not always altruistic either. Although I was inspired last month when a friend spent several hours helping a distraught stranger search for missing car keys, I confess that sometimes I fail miserably. Last week I picked up Emily after sports practice, and when she grabbed a magazine in the car a huge spider dropped out on her leg and then crawled up her shorts! I was naturally sympathetic as she shrieked and then yanked off her clothes (yes, in the front seat of the moving car!), but really what my selfish mind was thinking is this - "I'm just so glad that spider landed on Emily and not me!" I know I am not alone here as recently a friend confessed that when she discovered a bat in her child's room, she ran from the room and slammed the door, leaving her young daughter alone with the bat!

Maybe we are more like goats than we think. (And truly, I have no idea who ate the last chocolate cupcake...)

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