Tuesday, November 6, 2012


"Life turns on a dime..." As the drama of the presidential election unfolds around us, the veterinarian has just pulled out of the driveway, leaving me a countertop of medications, a very sick goatie and a dim prognosis. I noticed this morning that Emerson did not seem his usual naughty, energetic self, instead perching stiffly on the windowsill and ignoring the box of fresh hay on the deck...When I brought out their bottles ("Bottles!" - usually the highlight of his day) and he hobbled slowly down the steps and then turned aside after only a few sips, my concern grew exponentially - and when I saw him straining to release a scant amount of urine on the driveway, my worst fears were confirmed.

Urinary calculi is the dread of all who raise male goats, an oft-fatal malady caused by the anatomical structure of neutered goats ("wethers") and which causes the formation of calculi, or "stones," which block the urinary tract. Without successful treatment, the end result is rupture of the bladder and subsequent death. Even with treatment, the prognosis is only around 50%, and recurrences are common.

Emerson has had injections of antibiotics, muscle relaxant and painkiller. I coaxed into him (via bottle) the only medication which dissolves these stones, ammonium chloride (luckily had a bag in the garage from a yard sale, which I was able to give even before the vet got here.) Apparently the ammonium is very bad-tasting and alsmost impossible to get goats to take, so it is a fortunate thing indeed we are still using bottles. (He is now prescribed 2 bottles a day with the ammonium.) The vet may return tomorrow.

Emmie is uncomfortable, anxious, confused. It was awful to hold him down for the shots. He paces, trying to rest, straining to pee. The blockage is not complete as he dribbles out small amounts. For now I will watch, moniter, medicate, comfort, pray.  If  you had asked me a year ago if I might love a goat, I would have laughed. Now I hold back tears. Perhaps the last eight months have turned me to lunacy. I guess there are worse things to be. 

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