Monday, November 5, 2012

Daylight Savings Time

"Spring forward, fall back..." Who doesn't relish the idea of an extra hour of sleep one day a year? Sounds marvelous - but who's really sleeping in? Your teenagers, your husbands maybe...certainly not moms with young children (who have their own internal clock) or goats...

I woke up Sunday at the usual time - but with the blissful awareness that I had sixty whole extra minutes to get everything done before church. What a gift! Since Mike had a crew of helpers over the previous day to put a roof on his storage shed, there were many more dishes than usual in the sink, a chore I would have taken care of Saturday evening except that we had treated the girls to a local theater performance after dinner (Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire  - fantastic!) so it had been a late night. I tiptoed to the kitchen and cleaned up, fed the cats, put on a pot of coffee then mixed up a batch of gingerbread muffins for a youth group bake sale that morning. Daylight now, it was time to tackle the goats. (Yes, I could have woken Emily, but just like sleeping goats, sleeping children are best left alone...and actually I really enjoy being the bearer of their now-miniscule ration of grain on a brisk morning....filling the hay buckets...scooping two or three tons of poop...)

Thoroughly chilled, I came inside to find Mike and Megan in the kitchen, drinking the coffee I'd made, eating warm gingerbread muffins, but surprisingly not reading the coveted Sunday paper. Since they grudgingly take turns making the 1/8 mile trek down the driveway to retrieve it from the damp grass,  I asked, "What? No paper today?" They both looked at me sheepishly, but it was Mike who spoke first.

"It's so cold outside - we were hoping you could go get it."

Knowing that fresh newsprint is one of the goats' favorite treats, I was very tempted...but instead I pretended not to hear him and just took a long hot shower...

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