Saturday, January 10, 2015

Poop Soup...and Nirvana

This morning, when I opened the door to the goat shed to get them up for breakfast, I was confronted with the evidence that Elliot (the taller of the two) had likely spent the night standing up, his back end positioned over their heated water bowl. No serious harm; they wouldn't drink from that bowl if it held the last liquid on the planet, but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to eat bean soup again.

Although I occasionally forget my current age, there are many things I do know, such as the fact that goats prefer their water at least forty degrees warmer than is possible with an electric water bowl. ("Where's the steam, human? If it didn't scald your fingers, we don't drink it!") However, it is thanks to my teenage daughter that I now realize the enormity of my knowledge gap.

Seeing Megan in an unfamiliar T-shirt the other day, I read the word under an unusual graphic. "What's that - Nirvana?" Her response was immediate and strong.

"Oh, Mom - did you really just ask me that?!! Nirvana was only one of the most influential rock bands of the 90s! You were alive during that period!"

Chastised, I reminded her that during the 90s I was kind of busy raising toddlers...twins (including one who got into trouble all the time!) and during that decade I knew all of the words to both the Barney and Sesame Street theme songs. (Ha!) However, she was not impressed.

"Aaaauuuugh! They started grunge!"

Grunge? And here I thought that was a reference to what I looked like after cleaning out the goat shed. Apparently, I still have a lot to learn.

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