Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cold Weather Woes

A photo from the goat archives reminiscent of warmer weather...The seasons may change, but the routines stay the same. Elliot owns the top of the house; Emerson claims the ground. Whether it's a bowl of apple chunks, a pile of weeds, or a sunny napping spot, these are their positions. This winter I  even started serving their individual bedtime bowls of warm water at these spots, to prevent Ellie from frantically pushing Emerson away from one shared bowl (Oh no! You're slurping up all the vinegar!) This has worked well...until now.

Winter is so dreadful. Single-digit temps and sub-zero wind chills keep me shivering even in the house - but what about my goats? Should I insulate their shed? Invest in a heat lamp? Knit them little jackets? My sister sent me a link to an article that answered my questions. According to research, goats can tolerate any degree of cold, as long as they have shelter from drafts and are dry. What a relief! It's been so frigid that the vinegar sometimes freezes in the bottle before I can squirt it into the bowls, but I don't need to worry. Draft-free, dry. I can do that!

Late last night I suited up in my puffy snowsuit and waddled out to put the goats to bed. Hot water, vinegar, both plastic bowls, check. Pocket full of snacks, check. Anticipating our nightly routine, the goats rushed to their stations - Ellie up top, Emerson beside the house. Per protocol, I always pour the water into the bowls, then give them each a handful of random treats before they start to drink. This time the treat was "orange chips," crispy orange peels I dry on trays in a sunny window. A friend had brought me some tangerine peels (extra sweet, she mentioned) and apparently Elliot liked the new flavor, because he suddenly lunged at me for more, knocking his entire gallon-size bowl of water on top of his brother below.

Stunned at this sudden drenching, Emerson fled into the yard as his sodden fur froze him into a caprine popsicle.  Now what?? Well past my bedtime, dark and frigid cold - how can I possibly thaw and dry a frantic goat before he goes into shock?

It can be done. Lots of vigorous rubbing and one of my husband's big fleecy sweatshirts eventually did the trick. Meanwhile, Elliot jumped down and finished off his brother's water bowl. Oh, and I should probably buy my husband another sweatshirt...

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