Monday, May 19, 2014

Initials for Short

We have acquaintances whose youngest daughter has always been called "L.P." As her older siblings all have ordinary names, I once asked what the letters stood for. Her response was enlightening. Although she has a given first and middle name (unknown to most people and neither starting with "L" or "P"), her nickname stands for "Last Pregnancy." Apparently her parents decided early that they needed a constant reminder that four children was enough. Still the baby of the family, L.P. is now in college, so I guess it was an effective plan.

Infants can be so adorable; the temptation is enormous. I have a well-meaning aunt who frequently sends me photos and videos of frisky baby goats, sweet things frolicking in the sun or looking at me with luminous brown eyes - and yes, I want a baby goat. I want to hold it on my lap and nudge a bottle into that tiny mouth and wipe the milky drips from a downy let it fall asleep in my arms as we rock on the swing in the sunshine. I think I know a breeder who still has a few available...

First, though, I have to finish a little cleaning outside. Overnight Emerson and Elliot had what we now call a "newspaper party," where they pry apart the mats in their shed and then shred the insulating paper all over the yard. There are huge piles of droppings to sweep off the deck, and I noticed someone has started eating roof shingles again. (I'm not sure how they were still hungry after getting into all the strawberry plants!)

Let me introduce you to the culprits - L.G. #1 and L.G. #2.

 I hope it works!

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