Wednesday, December 25, 2013

All Grown Up

All I wanted for for my goats to take their bottles. Alas, we can't always have everything we want (which is why there was no iPhone under the tree for my daughter this year - though I'm sure she'll enjoy her new headphones and Zumba workout video!). At nearly two years old, Em and Ellie have been refusing their morning warm-water bottles for about the last month, despite valiant efforts by me to coax them back to "bottle-baby" status. Yes, I realize this is somewhat ridiculous, but somehow I had envisioned this bottle phase lasting forever - great goat-human bonding time plus quite beneficial to their fragile urinary systems. After weeks of pleading and chasing them around the deck, I have given up. The bottles are packed away for good, reminiscent of when your child gives up her pacifier or security blanket...

Apparently goats reach puberty by fifteen months of age. I have no idea what this means to Em and Ellie, especially as they were neutered when they were three months old. Here's what's we've noticed lately - they are both starting to grow little beards. Not enough to put a "my first razor" in the Christmas stockings yet - but maybe they decided that anyone old enough to grow facial hair is too old for a bottle. I guess I can respect that.

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