Tuesday, July 2, 2013

All the Way Home...

Nothing makes your pets appreciate you like going on vacation for a week. I did feel guilty leaving them home, but not even I could face seven hours in a minivan with a pair of malcontents plus I'm fairly certain they would hate the beach. Eek! Our feet are getting wet! We despise this dune grass! Where are all the trees??

Still, we missed them, and when we arrived home I sat in the yard with Em and Ellie and tried to tell them all about our trip. Mostly, though, I just wanted a snack and a long nap. But why are you so hungry and tired, Mommy?

Ok, boys, here's why I'm tired. We had decided to get up at six this morning to beat the weekend traffic on the way home. So, when Daddy shook me awake, I stumbled out of bed and headed toward the kitchen for coffee. Odd that it would be pitch dark - I wanted one last look at the ocean - why is sunrise so late today? And why does every other clock in the house read four o'clock?? 

Munching on cereal, Mike tried to argue with me, because after all the bedroom clock did say six, but I was certain I was right. I guess when he set the alarm the night before, he must have advanced the time setting accidentally. That's why I'm sleepy, boys...

And why are you so hungry? Well, in my foggy state I started throwing last-minute things in bags to go down to the van, making sure to pack a bag of snacks for the trip as Mike does not like to stop for any food that involves getting off the interstate or even crossing to the other side of the road. I sent that bag down with one of the kids to put in the passenger seat for easy access, as well as a small final bag of trash from the kitchen and bathroom for the curb. You guessed it...

About three hours into the trip, I reached down for the snack bag - a bag which actually contained soggy paper towels, apple cores, moldy grapes and used band-aids...oh, no. All I can hope is that the men who collected our trash are enjoying their treats!

It is good to be home.

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