Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Farewell (with love)

When we got home this evening, the goats were lunging against the gate. Unused to more than a few hours without attention, they had apparently occupied themselves all day by shredding, upending, spilling and chewing on anything not permanently attached to the ground.

You were gone so long! Come in and play with us! Feed us! Sweep the broom around like you always do...we missed you so much!  When I told them I needed to change my outfit first, they protested more. Nooo! We love those flowing clothes! We could eat them!  Of course they also wanted the flower arrangements I carried - sorry, goat boys. White roses may look delicious, but here is one thing that is not for you!

Even when they are nibbling your shirt or slobbering on your arm, animals can be a great comfort. Sitting in the pen with two seventy-pound goats jostling for the best position on my lap, I told them about our day, and of a very special person we would miss terribly.

What's a grandma? Emerson asked, nosing in my pocket for stray treats. A grandma, I explained, is someone who does nice things for you, and feeds you, and is never too busy to talk to you and who loves you all the time no matter what.

Even if I knocked over the hay tub and peed in the shed? Yes, even then. (I wondered who did that...)

Even if I ate a whole roof shingle because I was lonely? And I don't have pretty moonspots like my brother? Oh, Emerson, a whole shingle?...but yes, even then. Grandmas are so full of love they never run out.

Mmmm... Ellie snuggled up against me. That sounds so nice. I would miss that grandma. 

I do, Ellie, I already do.

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