Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who Wants Them Now?

I recently came across a comment from a friend who stated she would have been interested in my offer to adopt our goat boys - had she not read my blog!!  I must apologize - I realize that, in my attempts at humor, I have perhaps given the wrong impression of our beloved goats. To rectify the situation (and hopefully convince my friend to take in the boys), I will share some entries from my personal journal.

"How much money we are saving on groceries, now that I no longer need coffee when I wake up. I have found that going outside to the goat pen at 7 am in 20 degree weather is more invigorating than caffeine ever was! I only wish that the morning chore of scooping up the droppings took more than the necessary two or three minutes, as I find this a perfect time for meditation on my blessings. Today I looked down the hill toward the garden and contemplated the bounteous harvest we'll have this year, with all the fertilizer the goats are providing. I can almost taste those succulent fresh tomatoes now!"

"I read somewhere that goat droppings sell for upwards of five dollars a pound, so in demand they are for fertilizer. What a home business opportunity, if only I had selling experience and an established client base, people who already buy farm-fresh eggs, for example. (Although I don't believe leaving the droppings in the church refrigerator with the eggs would be a good idea...)"

"Today I had time to read an entire book as well as bake 3 batches of cookies. I had blocked off the afternoon for weeding and yard care, but when I went outside I saw that the goats (dear boys!) had taken care of all the bothersome weeds while leaving the ornamental shrubbery untouched. I haven't had to mow the grass all summer because of their constant nibbling; I even sold the lawnmower and put the money toward the girls' college funds."

"I only regret not having gotten goats years ago, instead of when my daughters are on the cusp of leaving for college and myself looking for full-time employment. Goats are such a wonderful project for a stay-at-home mom with young children, say, preschool, or second grade...Children find the goats so entertaining its almost like having a pair of live-in babysitters! If I had only done this when my daughters were younger, I might have started my own craft business with all my free time. Imagine the nest egg we'd have from "GoatTime Inspirations" now!"

"What a relief that all the worrisome skin conditions have completely cleared up - I found that the fault was mine from switching to a more expensive laundry detergent. Apparently the goats had an allergic  reaction from rubbing against my jeans. Once I switched back to the bargain brand, all was fine. I'll have to email my findings to the vet (as we see her so infrequently)."

"Every day with the goats is a blessing - I just feel so guilty keeping them all to myself! If only I could share them with a friend! (I'd even share all their equipment and supplies - heck, you can have the shed if we could find a way to move it!) I'll be waiting by the phone..."


  1. Don't hold your breath, girlfriend! I'm on to you and your wiley ways!

  2. You know how blessed I have always felt to have had a small part in the girls lives early on. Gee, I am REALLY sorry to have not been able to do the same with your four legged adoptees!!!!

  3. LOVE IT!! I know someone who sounds exactly like the right person for your goats...the name somehow escapes me at the moment, but when it comes to me, I'll pass it on to you. ;-)
