Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rooftop Resurrection?

While on vacation a few weeks ago, we read in a local paper the account of a woman who, while hiking, had spotted a body floating face-up in the river below. She called the police, who confirmed the corpse sighting and in turn called the coroner and river rescue team to the scene. (All this time the body continued its downstream journey through the murky, deep water.) Inevitably the media showed up to film the retrieval of the body. As dozens of onlookers watched the operation, the motorboat was launched - when suddenly - the "corpse" started thrashing around and sat upright in the water. Turns out the "floater" was a life-jacketed swimmer who had somehow fallen asleep and drifted downstream, blissfully unaware of the uproar his catnap was causing. Now he's a local celebrity...

We came home from shopping a few days ago, and as usual, looked out the window to check on the goats. (Did they hear us pull in? Do they know we're home? Are they crying pitifully at the gate for attention?) Apparently our entrance had been successfully stealthy, as both goats were still sleeping on top of the shed. Elliot gave me a lazy look through the window, but Emerson was completely passed out on the roof. Even when I opened the window and the girls came to see him - no movement. I took a couple of photos through the screen - still nothing.  I began to get just a little bit worried. I've actually never seen a goat this unresponsive - all stretched out like he's comatose. Keep in mind this is the same animal who hears a person using the bathroom at 4 AM (with the window closed) and starts howling for attention.

The usual rule is, never wake a sleeping goat...but I need to know. Everyone, on three, loud as you can..."Hi Emmy! We're home!"

 "Oh Elliot, I was having the best dream...hey, the peoples are home! Let's call them outside to play with us now!"

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