Thursday, April 25, 2013

High Fashion for Itchy Goats?

I know what you're thinking...We already suspected she was a little crazy, but now we know for sure...but there is a very logical reason why Elliot now has his own wardrobe. For the last five months, Ellie has been plagued by a mysterious skin ailment which causes him intense itching. We have treated him (multiple times) for all the possible parasites which afflict goats, given him antibiotics and steroids, cleaned out his house, changed all his bedding, brushed and groomed and (even once) shaved him. Our veterinarian has done microscopic skin scrapings (which were completely negative) and examined him meticulously for mites, lice and other creepy critters (and found none). Yet he is so itchy that he spends a good part of each day licking, kicking, rubbing and biting at himself to find relief.

Recently he invented a new activity. With his front legs straight back and his rump high in the air, he drags himself forward along the driveway on his neck and chest. While initially this was rather amusing to watch, we soon discovered that he had created numerous open sores along his chest from the friction of the pavement. I am treating them with betadine scrub and antibiotic cream, and the t-shirt is an attempt to keep the wounds clean.

He's not wild about getting dressed every morning. Recalling helpful hints from when my own children were uncooperative toddlers, I offer him choices. - The blue or the stripes today, Ellie? - and tell him how handsome he looks. In the end, though, it comes down to me, the shirt, and a sixty-pound goat with sharp hooves. Sometimes the shirt ends up on me.

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