Sunday, March 10, 2019

Goats in Church??

Like to sing, knit, craft, cook, read, or pull weeds? Our local church has countless opportunities to get involved and volunteer - no matter what your talents, there is a need to fill. Play the piano. Teach Sunday School. Hold babies. Be a greeter. Sing in the choir. Count offering. Join the Kitchen Committee. Serve communion. Prepare funeral meals. Lead a Book Club. Visit the sick. Knit prayer shawls. Park cars. Stuff mailboxes. My husband was even approached several years ago about joining a Dramatic Mime Ministry. (Those of you who know him can guess his horrified response!!)

Something for everyone - and yet...Last Sunday I overheard a conversation in which a newer church member mentioned how much her children enjoyed the youth choir, then remarked, "and we're also planning to help out those baby goats, you know - the Orange Peel Ministry."

The what??? Em and Ellie are now a ministry?? Yes, I did place a small sign on the bulletin board asking for citrus peel donations, and yes, I do currently have twelve families who faithfully bring dried peels to church each week, and yes, I am so grateful for these free and tasty goat snacks - this is amazing!

With the coming of spring (hallelujah!!), peak citrus season is almost over - but I don't want to deprive my friends of the joy of serving. If only I could expand the Orange Peel Ministry somehow, perhaps with an event like our annual leaf-raking or All-Church Clean-Up Day...

Ministry opportunity: Goat Day! Bring your own shovels, rakes, buckets and wheelbarrows! Serve those who poop every twenty minutes and can't clean up after themselves! A whole winter's worth of goat muck - let's make a day of it!!

Note - snack provided. (You guessed it - fresh orange slices!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi goatmama! This is your daughter's friend's mom, ya know...the one from WV? Well, wanted you to know I love your posts. One time I went a long time without reading them, but then caught up. Love your sense of humor. Wanted to say that one day I was up visiting the area and drove by your house and saw one of the goats in the driveway just casually walking around. Figured he was waiting for mama to get home, ready to pounce on any goodies you might bring him. Or...just waiting to see what treat the UPS guy was going to bring that day. Thanks for your posts! They are a treat in of themselves!
