Friday, January 17, 2014

Can't Always Blame the Dog

Can goats help you get better grades in school? Well, sometimes yes, and sometimes no...

Last week Megan informed me that six of her classmates would be coming over after school to work on a group project for World Cultures class - they needed to film a skit about a family who lived in a small home (enter: the goat shed) and raised farm animals for meat and milk (enter: the goats). Her classmates were well prepared with costumes, props and memorized lines - as long as the goats could act like productive livestock, all would go well.

Preparing a tray of snacks, I noticed one of the male students walk past the kitchen window with a pair of wire cutters. Curious, I called out, "Are those a prop for the skit?"

"That's right," the young man answered. "In the second scene, my character cuts a hole in the fence to escape the border patrol." He disappeared around the corner with the ominous wire cutters. Cuts a hole in the fence...Envisioning a mass goat breakout, I dropped a pan of brownies on the floor and dashed out to the yard, just in time to see him snipping through the wire - that's odd  don't recall having a fence over there...

"I hope you don't mind that I brought my own fence roll," Megan's classmate called to me. "I didn't think you would want me to cut yours." Nodding in relieved appreciation, I turned to hear another student scream.

"Where's my physics paper?" she shrieked. "I left it right here, next to my backpack!" Sure enough, there was her purple backpack on the ground, and there was Emerson, casually sauntering past with a satisfied smirk, chewing away..."That goat ate my physics homework! It's due tomorrow! What am I going to do now?"

I offered to write a note to her teacher, but all I could hope was that an "A" on the Cultures project would balance out a failing grade in Physics. And Emerson, having thoroughly digested a four-page paper on quantum mechanics, does seem a bit smarter these days.

"Sure, the goat ate your homework..."

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